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Career Tips & Advice

How to Find Your First Job After Graduation

Concorde Staff

Concorde Staff

Updated May 27, 2022. The information contained in this blog is current and accurate as of this date.

The way to go about job hunting has changed. Through new networks and technology, we are more prepared than ever, yet overwhelmed to find the right career path and job.

Job seekers have more access to intel- through LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and other such sites, they simply know more about the companies they are thinking about working for and have the ability to contact employees from those firms.

Figuring out the right job and standing out in such a competitive market is tough. Fortunately, there are plenty of new tools and different hacks you can use to help you find your dream job. Here are 7 tips and tools to help you get there using today's technology.

 Tips and tricks to help find a Job

  • Create a twitter job search list: recruiters tweet about jobs they need to interview candidates for- making Twitter a seriously untapped resource for job seekers. To make sure you're in the know about these leads, create a Twitter job search list that includes recruiters, hiring managers, company hiring handles, and job search websites. Then, review their tweets daily for potential opportunities.
  • JibberJobber helps organize the information you collect: It's easy to get disorganized during a job hunt. JibberJobber is a free tool that keeps tabs on everything that's going on. You can track the companies that you apply to, note each specific job that you apply for, and log the status of each application.
  • Use Novoresume to design a quick resume: If you're like most, your LinkedIn profile is much more up to date than your actual resume. But if you need to update your resume fast for an available opportunity, don't spend hours on your computer. Instead, export your LinkedIn profile info into a novoresume template and be done in a flash.
  • Add a Unique LinkedIn URL to your resume: Instead of using the URL that LinkedIn assigns you with letters and numbers, customize it so it contains your name and the career field or job title you want to go into. (You can do this by clicking "edit profile" and clicking "edit" next to your LinkedIn URL.) This encourages recruiters to learn more about you.
  • Resunate lets you see how your resume scores on an Applicant tracking system: Sick of not knowing if a human being is even reviewing the resume you worked so hard on? Resunate is web-based software that shows you how your resume would score on the applicant tracking system and helps you improve it for every job you apply for.
  • SocialMention helps manage your online reputation: While job searching, it's important to keep your reputation crystal clear. To monitor what's being said about you online, check out Social Mention, a social media search and analysis platform that aggregates user-generated content from across the universe into a single stream of information. It allows you to easily track and measure what people are saying about you across the web's social media landscape in real-time.
  • Use Contactually to create an Automatic follow-up system: A common job search mistake is focusing on meeting new people and forgetting about the people you already know. It's actually pretty important to contact people you already know! Contactually helps you consistently re-engage with the most important people in your network by sending you automatic reminders to email people you haven't talked to in a while.

Get the Job

If you can use some of these tips and tools in your job hunting, you're bound to find your dream job. One thing you can't replace with technology is a thank you note which you should be sure to send follow any interview you have. While a handwritten note is best, with technology today an email is just as common.

Concorde offers its students graduate assistance for many different aspects of job hunting as well which is an added bonus to the above tips. To learn more about how Concorde can help you get the health care job of your dreams, contact an admissions rep today!

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  1. Program length may be subject to change dependent on transfer credits and course load. Please refer to current course catalog for more information. Concorde does not guarantee admittance, graduation, subsequent employment or salary amount.

  2. Professional certification is not a requirement for graduation, may not be a requirement for employment nor does it guarantee employment.

  3. Financial aid is available to those who qualify but may not be available for all programs. Concorde does not guarantee financial aid or scholarship awards or amounts.

  4. Clinical hour requirements and delivery may vary by campus location and may be subject to change. Concorde does not guarantee clinical site assignments based upon student preference or geographic convenience; nor do clinical experiences guarantee graduation, post-clinical employment or salary outcomes.

  5. Registration and certification requirements for taking and passing these examinations are not controlled by Concorde, but by outside agencies, and are subject to change by the agency without notice. Therefore, Concorde cannot guarantee that graduates will be eligible to take these exams, at all or at any specific time, regardless of their eligibility status upon enrollment.

  6. Externships are a non-paid in-person learning experience, whose length and location may be subject to change. Concorde does not guarantee externship placement, graduation, post-externship employment or salary outcomes.