Concorde Staff
You're busy with a job and a college schedule. Perhaps, you even have a family. With all those responsibilities, it can be hard to take time to be sure you and your family are eating right.
In honor of National Nutrition Month, we would like to offer some suggestions to help you and your family "savor the flavor of eating right" while you pursue a health care degree.
Start Early
Breakfast might be one of the toughest meals for a family on the go. There's a narrow window of time for preparation, and school bus schedules wait for no recipe. Have you thought about whole grain old-fashioned overnight oatmeal?
Add half the amount of water called for in the recipe, stir and leave in a covered pot on the stove. The next morning, add the remaining water and some salt, bring the cereal to a boil and then simmer on low for about seven minutes. Top with raisins or chopped apples and cinnamon to perk up the flavor.
Mix it Up
It's easy to get in a rut when it comes to meal planning, but there's no rule that says you have to eat certain foods at certain meals. Mix things up a little if that's easier.
For example, during National Nutrition Month, try scrambled eggs with chopped veggies work just as well at the dinner table as they do in the morning. An egg salad sandwich in a piece of whole-grain pita bread is breakfast food on the go. We'll call it the "Cold Pizza Paradox": Don't let the time of day define what you eat!
Be Prepared
Weekends can be a great time to do some food preparation. Get the whole family involved. Even young children can help wash vegetables and fruits, while older children can actually do some of the cooking. Make breakfast burritos - assembly-line style - and stash them in the freezer.
Canned refried beans, cooked rice, cheese, and scrambled eggs supply the basics, and you can add little extras like salsa or chopped green onions after you heat the burritos in the microwave. Change up the recipe by leaving out the eggs and adding some chopped cooked chicken, and these burritos will also do for a fast dinner.
Change the Basics
Never overlook the advantages of soups and stews when it comes to meal planning. These flexible recipes allow you to change the flavors according to the seasons and your tastes. For example, classic chicken noodle soup is a well-known favorite.
Leave out the noodles, jazz up the soup with a little cilantro and some chilies, and serve with tortilla chips for chicken soup ala Mexico. Switch around and use soy sauce and udon noodles for an Oriental soup. Stews and soups also freeze well.
It's tempting to succumb to the lure of fast food when you're busy, but these ideas can help you keep your family eating healthy while you pursue your health care career at Concorde Career College.
Bon appetit!
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